Originally posted by Lulu
Yeah they dropped the ball with Zestiria, they were even planning a sequel and a PS4/PC port (could still happen anyway), and ARTPOP/R8 era sized mess
Hoping Velvet isn't a tsundere/lighting/Milla kind of mc
The PS4/PC port (and the PS3/PS4/PC announcement for the west) is getting announced tomorrow at the second Tales Festival show. Tales of Zestiria 2 was never planned to be in development right away, if you are talking about the Alisha DLC ending (the "to be continued..."), it alluded to the main game's secret ending. Zesteria and Berseria had been in development at the same time, and Zesteria was rushed and outsourced in order for the title to make it into the serie's anniversary, the usual staff and other people that makes most of the Tales of games were working on Berseria meanwhile.