Get Along With You
11 - Latinazza
10 - TheWayWeWere, SebaMonster, HonourableVomit, MP2K, Reverie, rlj, LanaDelRey
9 - BlueTimberwolf, Theus
8.5 - Eeveelution
8 - Subomie, Tom Vercetti
7.5 - Diarrhoea
7 - conatus, Doogle
6.7 - Kingie
6 - Kxvk
5 -
4 -
3 -
2 -
1 -
0 -
Beautiful and relatable. Didn't really stick out with me for a while but it is a really pretty yet sad moment in her career. The whole thing is a package of unrequited emotion delivered in a lovely, catchy sing-along way. The verses are actually the peak of the song I think, though the chorus is equally saddening. The monologue at the end is the ribbon on top, really just elevates the track.
This was the third and final single from Kaleidoscope, though I didn't know until years later. It didn't chart well anywhere but the video is pretty gorgeous and should be watched immediately!
ECNEICSNOC says he loves "the vocals and this is one of the only Kaleidoscope songs that doesn’t really need any trimming."
Diarrhoea has a fair complaint on it, "The whole vaudeville thing is cute, but it means that the chorus has that awkward phrasing to match the strings and it kinda annoys me. It's cute but could have been better. However, the diary entry is hilarious so idec."
HonourableVomit may not get his wish but I think this is fine enough, "I'm expecting this to win actually, the spoken word at the end takes me to higher places." 11-giver Latinazza simply calls it "so beautiful, so sad, so real".