Originally posted by Adonis
why would people celebrate that? There must be more to this...
Because western media its constant racism and islamophobia, with little effort to read an entire story - even when it's provided to them by me in simple text - people just want to continue with their stubbornness and lack of regard for the human race. It's just as bad to label a black African American a thief as it is to label any persons of religious belief whose few minority are of extremist mindsets, as terrorists.
Let me just turn over and go back to sleep. The new atrl will hopefully prevent these blatant one-sided attacks towards people. No one wants to read your ******** hate, offensive ideology and Nazi-war like resolutions. Worry about yourselves and how you can become an individual who actually wants equality for all people, instead of wanting everyone to be like you. Equality for ALL. Equality is impossible with the average 1.1 billion people continuously attacking the other 6 billion.