I like her, but let's not act like she isn't as much as a sellout as he is.
Only difference is that he's aware he makes pop music for the masses and she's still trying to pass hers off as "ironic, post-millenial punk".
Exactly. Pitbull has never posed as a legitimate rap artist.
Lmfao children are hardly his demographic. I wouldn't say drunk either. He's a radio act that appeals mostly to straight people in their late teens/20's. And his music is perfect for clubs so of course club goers (drunks according to you) love him.
And his demographic is statistically superior to Charli's demographic in most terms, so I'm not sure why you wanna look down on any demographic. ATRLers need a reality check.
You are so right, slay HA. If Charli had said ITS OKAY TO SAY WHAT YOU HATE I HATE GAYS! Imagine the mess, if we can't even be tolerant of other peoples music choices why would we expect anyone to be tolerant of same sex relationships. Practice tolerance in all forms you bunch of hypocrites.
You are so right, slay HA. If Charli had said ITS OKAY TO SAY WHAT YOU HATE I HATE GAYS! Imagine the mess, if we can't even be tolerant of other peoples music choices why would we expect anyone to be tolerant of same sex relationships. Peactice tolerance in all forms you bunch of hypocrites.
And yeah the gays here have this habit of looking down on most demographics. Dunno how they think that's acceptable.