You NEED to change the title because it was never confirmed from B&M as being "cancelled" "on hiatus" "on a break" or whatever else you want to call it. You're obviously making up or getting your information from a raggedy source and it's misleading at that
It went from a speculation thread that the Bad Girls Club franchise was being canceled, to the Bad Girls: All Star battle thread, now to a Bad Girls Club 13 thread, when season 12 isn't even aired yet and they didn't even do casting for 13 yet. This thread is getting confusing.
They will. People need to sqaush that "she's banned rumor" it's not true.
Then why not have her on ASB? If she wants on so bad she would have been by now Oxygen knows she was one of the most memorable girls and yet they pay her dust. I think that audition tape is Kristen being hopeful.
They don't use Kristen because her contract expired, it's that simple. They were only considering Lea for season one of all star battle because she was still under contract because hers got extended after she did lovegames. They could decide to start using her again anytime they wanted, I just think they're lazy.
Im not sure what season this threads about anymore but can I just vent that BGCASB2 was an absolute joke. Stupid producers with that last elimination which gave the weaker girls a chance to get rid of the only worthy winner, Rocky.
So they ended up with the most useless girl there winning the whole thing! Thats not good for the show. Such an anti-climax.