LOL @ the straight people pretending they know how a gay man lives.
Before you open your mouth, make sure you've walked in their own shoes. I won't judge straight people until I am one. You don't choose to be gay. Okay, let me rephrase that. Some do. SOME do. But the majority of them, DONT. Some guys who choose to be gay have been with women, but they've been bad relationships. They eventually find out they like men better meaning they get along better with them. Why do you think there is a high rate of divorce rates?
And for you delusional people out there, don't act like you know everything until you've been in their shoes. I never chose to be gay. Ick. I've liked boys since I was like 13. I've always looked at boys, not girls. I remember looking at naked boys in 8th grade when we had gym class at the pool. I never really cared for the girls. :-\
So I will repeat again. It can be a choice, but most likely it's NOT a choice. I hate people who act like they know everything.
I must also say this though. You may be born straight, but you could've been brought up wrong and that eventually turned you gay. Gay hobbies growing up? Maybe? But how can you say it's a choice when their brain isn't even fully capable of functioning properly right? It eventually gets developed into your brain that you like guys over girls and by the time it's fully developed it's too late. But that's not a choice. A choice is like this:
Do you want apples or oranges? Do you like red or blue better?
You don't choose guys over girls vice-versia. Seriously, and before you call me off, this is coming from someone who can't even accept himself. How can that be a choice? If it was a damn choice, wouldn't I be happy and proud to be gay? I always question myself about why I am like this etc. I'm done. Cya later fellow peeps. I must get sleep lol.