Originally posted by chris1991
Your right though! I'm open to dating both dudes and girls I woundt date either sex serious though. Well maybe a female, more serious becuase its More accepted I guess. Id Probobly would be descrete with the dude. Im also scared of commitment, like it scares me think that I might be with 1 person for forever. I also feel like I'm to young for anything serious so Yea.
It's great that you're honest, though. Many men (gay, straight and bisexual) aren't willing to admit what they're
actually seeking in terms of a relationship. I think that the main reason why bisexuals don't like to stay tied down is because they're afraid of commitment and are unsure of what they're looking for. But that applies to most people under the age of 25. I sometimes feel like I'm too young, but then I think of how precious life is and how short my life could possibly be, and I don't want to be that person that waits until they're 30+ to start looking for something serious. But I also don't want to be desperate and latch onto the first person that comes around.