Calvin Harris is not a repetitive mess well, maybe some recently singles like Sweet Nothing or Let's go are
Anyway, I love Clarity, so good, one of my fave albums of the year too!
I want to go to Paris: not because it’s the fashion capital of the world, not because it’s the city of love, not because of the sights I’ll see, but because of this flippin’ album. This is the best I’ve heard MEG EVER! I mean EVER! I seriously liked every song to an extent and I almost fell in love with MEG again. “MISS MARTINI” & “SOUTHPAW” might just be the best songs I’ve ever heard from MEG EVER! And, yes, I mean EVER! This just shows that one producer does not the artist make (best representation of Yoda speak); MEG is versatile. I mean, versatile; you go through thirty different genres in this one album of ten songs. Seriously, if I wasn’t so sure she can do this again, I’d be a permanent stan of this girl.
Okay, it’s not farfetched to call this the best album of the year, but to someone who has heard his mixtape, this wasn’t the best album in my year. But, it’s not to say this album is bad or even worse than his mixtape, it’s just to say I’ve heard it already and it’s like remixing a good formula for a good album. Frank Ocean’s channel ORANGE is one of the best debuts this year, though, and I hope that this translates well into 2013 and brings back a new form of soul and R&B music like it’s never been before. If you can give me a song like “Pyramids”, “Pink Matter”, or “Sweet Life”, then you can definitely be on my list, so, thank you, Frank Ocean for a memorable and classic album like channel ORANGE