I sometimes wish I could just be anonymous and walk down the street just like everyone else. Before I was famous I was the girl on the hill with the guitar. I was the girl who just wanted a beautiful view of the beach. And now that I'm famous, it's really really difficult to do very simple things. I think it's the hardest thing to give up
But like, their lifestyle is afforded by the adoration of all those people who would follow them if they saw them walking down a street. It's a give and take. And frankly, grass is greener. Lots of people would prefer the money and security over anonymity.
sis I did not know you were a Gaga hater
but what i meant is that most ppl who dislike a popstar won't say it to the face of the popstar if they were to meet them. they'd prob just have a nice human and brief conversation with the popstar.
I've been in the same room as her before multiple times for work and she sort of looks right thru people as if she's the only one in the room. I don't blame her, but she's not the warmest so this breakdown is a lil
I can imagine the fame experience being this horrible:
Like an endless nightmare, the bad trip,... you can't get out.
Originally posted by Planet Mars
IMO people react one of 2 ways to fame, and itbdwpends on how exactly fame cam to them
There are people like Justin Bieber and maybe even Gaga who despite fame seem to be entranced yet annoyed by it. They're world famous but seem to weigh the negatives as greater than what they preceive as the positives. Someone like Britney Spears for instance seemed unable to cope with the level of fame she had at one point but seems to be doing well today despite being much less under the radar than she once was.
There are others like Beyoncé or Madonna in particular who seem entranced by fame in the sense that they are aware of its ins and outs, have seen it rear its ugly face but weigh the positives as greater than the negatives. They love putting themselves out there and though they might get annoyed at the lack of privacy they are aware that they brought it on themselves and it's just something that they have to live with.
I remember reading a blog post someone made about running into Madonna at a party and how they felt sorry because she couldn't really enjoy herself without everybody being entranced by her icon and fame. But Madonna is aware of this and has made her peace with it. She is seasoned in game and world recignition at the end of the day.
Maybe that knowledge comes with time I don't know.
I hope Gaga is ok though.
And there is the factor age.
The ones who became famous before they could develop and stabilise as a person. Bieber, Britney, Lindsay,...
The ones who became famous after doing the mad things youngsters do without cameras documenting it and spent years as a nobody among upcoming artists and industry people having normal talks about life behind the scenes. Made real friends who helped them no matter how broke they were. Madonna, Katy,... broke through late.
Originally posted by H-I-M
But this does not make sense, she gets to do all of that with all the industry people she encounters and works with.
They are looking for personal gain and want a piece of her.
When Iggy met Katy, Iggy was like "Finally, after so many years begging at every industry person for asking if Katy would acknowledge my existence on Twitter and promote me.".
is she like 12?
she needs to stop crying over everything.
it's not a good look.
As a huge Madonna fan, I have to say that you and Swag are obsessed with Gaga and it is pathetic. It is pathetic. You follow her like a dog in every thread no matter what she does. If she bathed the lepers tomorrow you'd have something bad to say about her. It is embarrassing.
As a huge Madonna fan, I have to say that you and Swag are obsessed with Gaga and it is pathetic. It is pathetic. You follow her like a dog in every thread no matter what she does. If she bathed the lepers tomorrow you'd have something bad to say about her. It is embarrassing.