I'm satisfied with the album itself, and I've come to terms with the fact it simply won't be successful. Y'all can hate while I play the amazing album on repeat.
Top10 single,Graham Norton,KISS FM interview = No Promo
This album ahead of times
These excuses
One performance isn't going to turn her into a big act here (on a late friday night where im sure a lot of her fans are out). The UK are just getting to know her, she needs stuf like X-factor and lots of tv shows
Are Keshafans really telling themselves the album is experimental?
Because if do
Have you heard Die Young? It's unique guitar riff is enough to make it one of the most experimental songs of the year. And that's not even the most experimental track on the album
How many copies sold? 3 digit number? Oh my ... Even her promotion didn't work for her, and she gets ZERO copy from public, her own fans' support not enough to sell like 1k? Are you serious?
One performance isn't going to turn her into a big act here (on a late friday night where im sure a lot of her fans are out). The UK are just getting to know her, she needs stuf like X-factor and lots of tv shows
Graham Norton is one of the biggest talk show in the UK
KISS FM UK biggest radio station
She should have open with ALOT more maybe not top10 but atleast top30