There should be a sign up limit, groups of 20 or 21 , and after all of them have been judged you open a new sign up session. If not, you will have a list of 50 members and will get a little bit confusing.
Thanks great idea. Just so everyone knows: I will hold sign ups again probably at the beginning of October. Great Job at keeping the thread open everyone. Thank you.
I do not like Satellites personality in this forum. His musical taste is cool, he loves Beyoncé but unfourtunately follows the example of most of his fellas and sucks at stanning. Sometimes he thinks he is cooler than everyone else when he is not. I do not think he is like this in real life, but he def. is really cocky and I can't at the "Queen"
I love that he is honest and will speak his mind about anything. Beyonce should be proud to have a great stan like him as well.
TheMusicProphet (I missed when he was being thought about):
Hes horny, a nice and cool guy, I love reading his posts, and hes horny (did I mention that already?)