Mess at everyone interrogating the woman about what he was wearing and how he looked the thirst
Ragazze sinceramente tante cose non le ho notate... il mio ragazzo subito l'ha riconosciuto peró stava prendendo il sole quindi nessuno č andato a disturbarlo... Poi si č avvicinato alla piscina ed un ragazzo gli ha chiesto ci facciamo una foto? E lui ha risposto no dai non sono in condizioni, in costume mi vergogno.
Well I try to imagine what it's like to be him, and how hard it would be to find someone trustworthy. Celebs usually date other celebs cause it sort of puts you on equal footing. For him, one of the very few "normal" gay celebrities in Italy, who is worshipped by millions, it just seems hopeless
Like I said before, he has to either date a fan or someone who doesn't care about his music. It must be so weird.