Video Games: PokeRate - Gen IV: FINAL 15 ON NOW!!!
Member Since: 1/1/2014
Posts: 1,078
Yeah the fire starters suck after this gen suck. Why do they insist on making them all stand on two feet
Member Since: 8/17/2013
Posts: 20,947
Originally posted by Tom Vercetti
Not exactly. Cyndaquil >
But def top 3.
she is decent too, yeah, but only gets worse when time passes unfortunately
Member Since: 1/1/2014
Posts: 5,404
Originally posted by I.T.
Yeah the fire starters suck after this gen suck. Why do they insist on making them all stand on two feet
Not when Queen Braixen exists!
Member Since: 3/27/2012
Posts: 27,951
Last Time #98 (+36)
10: Kxvk, IconicFop, Scene, Submoie, Rihsiart, Nimrod, Fenrir, TopMaster 2, Reewanna, Aciid
9: BoA, Bloo
8: DripDrip, Icannot, Gladion, BubbleGno, Kitt, Moonchild, Cold Keene, Lord Gaga, Link, Jdella
7: G.U.Y, Kots, hausofdave, Reibax, NumbFenty, Veis, jpow
6: ceremonials, cunetyb, Scorpio, sullen
5: A Bomb, EdgeofAddiction, SomethingSweet, Ivan, Chanel, Alejandrawr,
4: Amit, HairSpray Queen, Skankie, Tom Vercitti, I.T, aaylex, Eeevee
3: !Blue!, Phresh, iNinja, Temporal, Poki
2:John, Ferst, Shendelzare, LovaticSwiftie, Hunter 13
1: Abehicks, Haunter, Dom, Hugamari, Alongoria 13, Gourgeist, t.a.t.u, PinkBox, Sunny, Magickarp
| Rowan's Review Nnnn serve those castle walls forehead queen. The way you went from cute little toddler to Trumps Walls in a span of a few levels. The growth hormones in Sinnoh must be WILD. The way you lost the fossil war for your team though. You were doing good until you came along. That is so sad. It's sis. It'll get better in due time. Personally, I learned to love your weird fortress head. Its.....interesting. |
| Battle Spot MASSSSSIVE defense and I mean how could you not, you have that giant thing covering your face up. You're a bit outclassed in your Tier though, there's not much you can do besides defend and set up rocks and other Pokemon already do that better then you, sorry :/ |
Team Galatic Grunts Corner:
Poki shows his sadness "So disappointing." I agree sort of
Subomie "Got the girls shook with her impregnable walls." *uses Heat Wave"
Phresh talks competitive "slightly better than the other fossils this gen but not by much, basically unusable unless you can pull off a mirror move but honestly why bother. "
Sunny "i was so disappoint with this gen fossils... they finally used dinosaurs only to turn them into edgy ugly messes... Gen 6 showed how its done! " mess were these really the first Dino-Fossils?
Chanel brings up a good point "Why does this mask look like a hotel in Timbuktu?" Why does it lmao???
Hug comes for Rihanna YET AGAIN "QUEEN! LOVE THE ANTI ERA"
I think Topmaster likes fossils' ya'll "Lovely, useful, powerful, prehistoric icon. "
BOA "i decided not to use it in the end in my pearl playthru but I love it and its shield" aww you leaving it homeless like that.
HausOfDave "nothing more than iron defense of a baseball line" True
Jpow mouths how it looks " kinda ugly when it evolves tho"
Finally, more Rihanna shade "Rihanna looks amazing" by IconicFLop
Member Since: 8/17/2013
Posts: 20,947
that rise!
Member Since: 5/27/2016
Posts: 726
Member Since: 3/27/2012
Posts: 27,951
I believe she's had the biggest rise so far out of any Pokemon.
Member Since: 9/4/2012
Posts: 23,263
talent truly won
Member Since: 12/29/2011
Posts: 7,378
Last Time #98 (+36)
That Rise
Member Since: 9/4/2012
Posts: 23,263
Originally posted by DripDrip
Subomie "Got the girls shook with her impregnable walls." *uses Heat Wave"
water u hoping to accomplish using a neutral move on ha base 138 defense
Member Since: 8/16/2012
Posts: 14,988
Chimchar deserved better, why sabotage it, one of the best starters ever. And Fire always has great starters in what world is torhic, cyndaquil, charmander and fennekin bad.. all slay.
Member Since: 4/16/2007
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Member Since: 5/27/2016
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Member Since: 8/7/2015
Posts: 24,463
Rampardos ahead
Member Since: 8/7/2015
Posts: 12,496
Chimchar rose by a lot though
Member Since: 3/27/2012
Posts: 27,951
Last Time #77 (+16)
10: Submoie, Topmaster 2, Reewana, DripDrip, Kots, EdgeofAddiction, SomethingSweet
8: IconicFlop, Nimrod, Icannot, Gladion, Jdella, Jpow, Tom Vercittie
7: Mr. Link, cunetyb, skankie, aaylex, Poki, Abehicks, t.a.t.u
6: Rihsiart, Aciid, Bloo, Moonchild, Scorpio, Alejandrawr, AMIT, Phresh, John, Hugamari, Gourgeist
5: Kxvk, Scene, Fenrir, Boa, Veis, Ceremonials, !Blue!, Haunter, Temporal, iNinja, Alongoria 13, Magickarp
4: Cold Keane, NumbFenty, A Bomb, Ivan, Chanel, I.T, FErst, LovaticSwifitie, Sunny
3: Reibax, Sullen, Hunter 13, PinkBox
2: BubbleGno, G.U.Y, Hairspray Queen, Shendelzare
1: Kitt, Lord Gaga
| Rowan's Review Awwwww. What a cute sand Hippo. The way they didn't make you water type either to switch up the GAME like that. Serve a bit. You're adorable with that big nose, when will Probopass make it work like you do? Those nostrils are everything as well. Ahh probably one of the better pre-evolves in the generation overall. I'm not HUGE on the camo color scheme, nor should anyone else be. It doesn't take away from anything though. |
| Battle Spot You do well in LC due to having access to Sand Stream so you're a good pick for those dusty teams. You always have good Defenses with a nice recovery move like Slack Off. Not everyone has this set up so slay. |
Team Galatic Grunts Corner:
BOA starts us off on ha with " fat dirty hippo never left a sign of interest in me" mess lash it
Topmaster "I'm not sure why I like ha but is funny ha design." Resoable!
Chanel offers one word "Hideous" Rude.
Hugamari "I always name my Hippopotas "Happy Puppy" based on an anime episode where Jessie couldn't pronounce ha name." Serving Phresh
Phresh "cute little thing, not crazy about her face" not you liking her for ha body, disgusting.
Subomie just calls you "Hippo icon!"
Lord Gaga "Were they trying to make this thing cute?" I mean. It sort of wins, Seethe!
Member Since: 9/4/2012
Posts: 23,263
4: Amit, HairSpray Queen, Skankie, Tom Vercitti, I.T, aaylex, Eeevee
3: !Blue!, Phresh, iNinja, Temporal, Poki
2:John, Ferst, Shendelzare, LovaticSwiftie, Hunter 13
1: Abehicks, Haunter, Dom, Hugamari, Alongoria 13, Gourgeist, t.a.t.u, PinkBox, Sunny, Magickarp
Member Since: 1/1/2014
Posts: 5,404
Member Since: 9/4/2012
Posts: 23,263
if she was a blue water type she would be top 40 so you can all choke tbh
Member Since: 5/27/2016
Posts: 5,674