Tony Aguilar @Tony__Aguilar 1 h
Otras artistas como @ladygaga estuvieron por 1a vez en un festival en España en #PrimaveraPop... Este año os traemos a @PorcelainBlack
Tony Aguilar @Tony__Aguilar 38 min
A aprenderse ONE WOMAN ARMY de @PorcelainBlack para cuando suene en #PrimaveraPop2014
It confirms Porcelain Black's performance at "Primavera Pop 2014"
OMG! I can't believe it , this is just the beggining
Her career is going from flop to pop. I'm very happy for her because I finally feel that things are finally happening for her, and RedOne was telling the TRUTH all along, that he was waiting for the right time.
In live chat on FB , someone asked about the possibility to come to "Black-White" hair , and she said that NOOO
Yes it's so annoying, I think because we still don't have a second music video for such a long time it's why people have gotten stuck with that hairstyle.