27. *Randy* (Vato)
Or whatever the hell he's calling himself these days.
Randy had one of the best entrances of any "newbie" in the ten years this site has been around. He was immediately different, with a strong preference for No Doubt/Gwen Stefani, Kylie, and Garbage. If Randy was a color, he would have been purple - a groovy purple. He told us stories of his life, like how he lived somewhere in Texas/Arizona (the lies were so many, I can't remember where). He was immediately liked, and quickly gained the respect needed to become moderator. And that's when he started to change ...
... Or become more of who he was. Turns out *Randy* was really Emanuel (right?!?), a Mexican who loved - LOVED - everything urban. Somehow, he was still allowed to be a moderator.
Best Moment: His personal countdown was legendary, but probably the fact that he started the Post Your Pics thread.
Worst Moment: When he ratted me and Tina out. (He was "sleeping" while we were chatting away - turns out the little sucker was copying/paste everything we were saying, and using it against us.)