Originally posted by Cas
Oh, just stop. The album is still the same - it was real at the time. Times change however. (I am not defending Rih - i still think what she did was stupid).
Originally posted by thewaitinggame
Why, may I ask? The themes of the album make even more sense in retrospect.
I know things change but it's hard to have watched Rihanna during the Rated R era and then see her do this now. She was such a strong individual after the incident - her 20/20 interview and Rated R made it seem that way. The songs on the album were raw, truthful, and very honest. Even if things change, it's hard for me to listen to songs like that anymore when she just did a song with Chris called Birthday Cake. Being friends with him again didn't change the meaning of that album for me, but making a BC remix with him did. Sorry.