Originally posted by jose168
Also mess at beyonce stands having to use album sales from one era, singles from another anda tour from a third to even compete
You're slow too
In order to completely dominate an era you have to be #1 in all aspects, 1989 is not #1 in every aspect when you compare it to Beyonce's eras. The question is not: Will 1989 up bigger than DIL, B'Day, IASF, 4 or BEYONCE. It was will 1989 end up bigger than any Beyonce era. Meaning will 1989 end bigger than any Beyonce era to date aka every Beyonce era from 2003 - 2014, will 1989 supersede it, and the question is no. in order for 1989 to be bigger than any Beyonce era it has to outsell Beyonce's biggest albums, it has to outsell Beyonce's biggest singles, it has to outgross Beyonce's biggest tour, and gain more critical acclaim, impact, and awards. Its a no in EVERY category.
I mean even tho OP said "Can/will 1989 end up being bigger than any Beyonce era once the album sales reach DIL's?" meaning once it knocked out album sales from DIL will it be bigger than any Beyonce Era, because he was comparing it to EVERY Beyonce Era not just ONE.
the delusion
the lack of comprehension