i'm doing the same as everybody else, stating my opinion, what you're trying to do is repress anything that doesn't coincide with your own - that's what people call a BIGOT - relax - yeah part of my job requires me to look at what's coming out - but you don't know me so how can you form such a broad - all knowing statement about me?
You can state your opinion, without hating. Have some courtesy.
If those are a top and bottom, then I can DEFINITELY see people wearing the bottoms with whatever tops. People already do that with patterned leggings.
How can y'all already be judging what the final collection will look like when it's not even out yet?
Nicki herself said that she's been doing alot of changes throughout the process of creating this line, there will be a variety.
Of course she's modeling her own pieces but it doesn't necessarily mean that it's only catered for people with a certain body, it'll be available for everybody. Some of the pieces she's worn actually look really nice and can be very wearable