I'm a little biased about this song because while it isn't explicitly gay- it is one of the songs my boyfriend and I quote to each other(I Love You Always Forever by Donna Lewis being the other). Bleachers' debut album was definitely one of my favorites of the year and I highly recommend it.
This slot used to belong to azealia's Nude Beach A-Go Go but after Madonna surprise released Rebel Heart and azealia decided to be obnoxious for the entire second half of 2014, I figured it'd be best to just rid her of any spot on the countdown and replace it with Madonna's best of the year.
My second favorite track off of Kiss Me Once! This album had it hits and misses for me but there's no denying that it had it's fair share of ultra gay/power bottom/human finger puppet anthems. Kylie is a KWEEN and there's no denying that this song slays!
This song made my top 5 not only because of the gay shoutout in it but because it's such a cute song! I truly don't understand the hate for this bop! It reminds me of like a lost homo from Ohio or Michigan or some random butt**** state moving to the big city to realize his dreams of being in Broadway and singing this song in his empty studio apartment that he pays for using the money he took from his mom's purse as well as the money he makes giving handy j's to business men on the ferry.