I hope it's nothing like "I Am... Sasha Fierce." It's her weakest album to me. "If I Were A Boy," "Halo," "Single Ladies" and "Diva" may be some of her best songs, but overall it doesn't work (for me.)
It is her weakest album & it did have some of her strongest songs. It's weird how that works, but I'm pretty sure she's not looking to repeat herself. Especially with all these different producers!
I'm excited!
I don't get when some of the stans say IASF is her weakest album maybe you're basing it off your opinions, but if we're looking at overall success then B'DAY is her weakest album.
i just cant wait for her song to smash itunes just like brit and gaga, complete the trinity triangle and show the lesser gerls the true power of (one of) the queen