Originally posted by Nick
so TC....you know how the social groups have pictures, each with an individual comment section? Is there any way to do that with news/topic discussions? Like a link followed by a blurb instead of a picture, each with its own comments? Just curious.
Unfortunately, I don't think so.
Originally posted by J@r3d
I also had a suggestion about the Social Group Pictures...Could there be a way that the moderator or creator of the group choose a picture to be featured on the front page of the social group? (at their own will) Lets say underneath the group name? To me the front pages of the groups seem to plain
Ditto on the Unfortunately, I don't think so. But I'll hack around with it if I get bored.
Originally posted by Kworb
I agree with this. Thread title = first page, >> = last page. Anything else is unnecessary.
Makes sense to me. Consider it done.