Here is a list of the 21-30 most populated cities in the US and their Top 40 radio stations. If you see a city that has a star(*) before it that means ‘Wide Awake’ has yet to be added and is a priority request station.
Even though it's dropped a few spots, is Wide Awake still doing good?
For the amount of airplay it has right now its doing great. The fact that its even in the Top 50 is a good sign. When Wide Awake was increasing fast it had those banners on Youtube and Billboard buzz. Now, the award buzz is over and the youtube banners were taken down and it has managed to remain pretty stable.
For the amount of airplay it has right now its doing great. The fact that its even in the Top 50 is a good sign. When Wide Awake was increasing fast it had those banners on Youtube and Billboard buzz. Now, the award buzz is over and the youtube banners were taken down and it has managed to remain pretty stable.
Here is a list of the 21-30 most populated cities in the US and their Top 40 radio stations. If you see a city that has a star(*) before it that means ‘Wide Awake’ has yet to be added and is a priority request station.