Originally posted by Squall
Walking on Air is as blank as Birthday, it kinda sounds the same, how will it smash when Birthday was a disaster?
Oh god, thanks God you are not the ones that decide which songs have to be released.
Wait, you're trying to argue that Walking on Air is a bad single choice by comparing it to Birthday when the most similar song on Prism to Birthday is This Is How We Do? lolwut?
If Birthday and Walking on Air are blank then you must consider This is How We Do one of her most depressing songs, she sounds so bored and out of it. (Yes, I know that's the point with the "It's no big deal" lyrics, but it being the point doesn't mean it's good)
At least this is proving my point that Katy has been scared off from working with Luke again due to Unconditionally and Birthday being failures, why else would Legendary Lovers (AKA the album track best received by both the public and fans) be scratched off the potential singles list?