Here is a list of the 11-20 most populated cities in the US and their Top 40 radio stations. If you see a city that has a star(*) before it that means ‘Wide Awake’ has yet to be added and is a priority request station.
Perry is one of the smartest and most talented pop stars around. When we interviewed her, we were struck by her bright, funny, witty commentary. So this film will certainly show the rest of her adoring public that side of her. editor in chief Rick Florino [Twitter] lauds Katy and the film in advance writing, "Katy Perry isn't just the ultimate 21st century pop star; she's the ultimate pop star, period. With shimmering style and unforgettable songs, Katy elegantly entrances every time she takes the stage. The film is bound to solidify her further as one of the best and brightest superstars ever. Get ready as Katy will be a part of us forever!"
-- Must be on the Katy Cat list
-- Can select up to THREE people in each CATegory to nominate
-- PM your nominations to iputrecordson, KatyV!, SlyMacPer, and myself
Get in Cats!!
The nomination process will end on Friday, June 1st at 4:00 PM EST.