5 Reasons To Hate Taylor Swift
1. Her ‘OMG! I can’t believe I just won this award! I mean, I’ve been nominated for over 87 awards and have won 59 of them, but seriously, OMG! I AM IN SHOCK!’ reaction every time she wins something. Look, we know it must be thrilling to snag a ton of trophies before reaching the legal drinking age, but get it together, girlfriend. Just because your song is named “Breathless,” doesn’t mean you have to be.
2. The fact that she kinda can’t sing in public (also known as the ‘I can’t believe Stevie Nicks was relegated to playing tambourine behind Taylor Swift’ complaint). Holy crap, did you hear this mess at the Grammys?
3. The way she flops her luxurious locks. When we polled people about why they loathed Taylor, numerous haters pointed us in the director of her hair tossing moves. Does her heavy metal rockin’ rub you the wrong way too?
4. Taylor’s sparkle princess uniform. We get it Taylor, you are a pure pretty princess, made up of sugar, spice, all things nice, and 100,000 Swarovski crystals and sequins in varying shades of white, gold and silver. (Examples here, here and here!) The only thing more cloying and saccharine than her outfits are her awards show speeches. Leave the fairy tale stuff to your new single, puh-leeez.
5. 24/7 Taylor syndrome has finally taken its toll. Clearly Tay’s people got a little overexcited when their girl started making headlines, and they pushed her way too far out in front of the paparazzi cameras. Fake-dating Taylor Lautner was the final straw - we want to see the girl live her real boring life, not a bogus one. Apparently her publicists are even worried that she’s gotten overexposed and are forcing their cash calf into hiding.