Originally posted by Xtinafan 99
After hearing all of the negative Zestiria news, I'm not even sure I want it at this point. Unless there's an enhanced PS4 version with all DLC included, and even that may not convince me to get it considering what I've been reading so far.
Such a disappointment.
Tales overall has been a damn disappointment for years. Ever since Baba said "I only care about the Japanese audiences" around pre-Xillia, they haven't made a proper title since. Baba should know half ( and in quite a few cases, more) of Tales of sales come from Europe and NA. Stop being a idiot and make a proper game that both audiences will like. When you pander to that Japanese audience that will spend money for bikini DLC and don't even care if the plot is any good, you're just setting yourself up for failure.
With that said, thanks to the people who gave me advice on Abyss. I beat Sync so long ago using a bunch of Mystic Artes (which I had no clue how to use but I had them