Death 8 of 11
8. Doc
Doc rolls his eyes at the people in the car harassing Sam, Robbie and True Skarlet, so he gets up and starts to move to a new car. Sam calls for him to stay with them, but Doc has decided he's had enough, thanks Sam again for pulling him and Devin (R.I.P.) out of the way of the bus earlier, and then opens the El Train's car door. As he is in the space between the two cars, he tries to open the door to the car in front of him, only to find it will not open. He tries to return to the other car, but the door won't open either. Robbie notices something is wrong, and tries to get Sam and True Skarlet to notice, but the two are mad at Doc now and refuse to even look. Back out by Doc, Doc is yelling for help to get let back in. Then, the train makes a sharp twist. The rusty chains holding the train cars together screech, and three of the six chains (the three on the left side of the train) snap when the train turns, leaving the train being held only by the other three. Doc, now being able to fall off the train onto the tracks or off and fall down three stories to the ground, panics and holds the door knob to the car he was attempting to get into. The train takes another turn in the opposite direction, causing the other three chains to snap, leaving the back two cars (with Sam, Robbie and True Skarlet in them) to fall back. The people in those two cars scream in panic, but the cars roll to a stop, leaving everyone in them safe. Doc screams and tries to hold onto the car, but slips and starts to fall off. While trying to find a part to hang on to while falling what couldn't have been more than two feet, Doc's ankle gets caught in a mess of the remnants of some of the chains. He holds on to another part of the train, his back nearly touching the side beams of the tracks. His grip gives out, and his top half falls back, but his ankle remains caught by the chain, making him land on the wooden beams, breaking his neck, back and skull as he is repeatedly bashed against the wooden beams. The train eventually stops in an idiotic realization of what has happened, and the chains give way, letting Doc fall down the three stories between the tracks as he lands on a street full of traffic.
The people left to go now?
3. Sam
2. True Skarlet
1. Robbie