Originally posted by SHADE 45
it was 1 or 2 depending on if the day it was replaced with The Real Slim Shady counted or not
SHADE THE DAY DIDN'T COUNT FOR THE LAST TIME, it was two days short of retiring and it probably wouldn't have retired if this video wasn't on anyways so stop complaining.
Originally posted by MOCKery
Not a very good retiree. TRL had no retired videos after this for a good while, until Jesse McCartney and Green Day retired.
Johnny, first of all. Nice new avatar, pretty sweet, who made it for you? Second, you just ruined this retired thread for everyone telling every1 what the next retired videos were. Don't do it in the future.
NOW::: My opinion on this song. It was his best retired video. My fave song of last summer. Now, you're reading this saying, what the hell?! Now, my opinion is, this was the best made video ever, but Burn didn't retire because of it, VERY BIG DOWNSIDE, but... this video had cool lyrics and very good meaning, it was simple and an awesome interlude. Retired right when we got back into school at the very beginning of September. Now, this song gave me goosebumps. It was just awesome at the end. The video was great and this is one of my favorite retired videos, it's better than YEAH! and it had the 2nd most days at number 1 this year, followed by his own, YEAH!. SO... I'd rather not hate on this video. I thought it was really cool. A-