The OP obviously opened it trying to flamebait and troll a certain stanbase. And it's pointless to have a discussion if the OP keeps dismissing people's arguments.
I wonder if the good sis Kirill, GGD owner, is gonna start visiting ATRL again
Back when GGD had a cbox on its main page, circa 2010-2011, the few times Kirill came on, he responded to something I said in the cbox. A member on that cbox, Cole, introduced me to ATRL. I guess you could say I wouldn't bee here if it weren't for GGD... But they've become unbearable.
The racial stuff at the hive there's not even more then 6 or 7 hive members that are black smh , but every one gets labeled as a ebt card owner in the hive laughs y'all gotta do better its a mess