So bad. This whole season was basically phoned in. Besides the Hoyt-Jessica stuff and the final Sookie/Bill moment, which could have been worked into last season for a more fitting finale, this season was absolutely unnecessary. I would have much rather season the plot for last season wrap up as a series finale.
I am pressed at the Absence of their most ICONIC character Lafayette in the last episode
I am pressed at Sookie's anonymous husband that looked like Bill's and Alcide's love child from the back
I am pressed at this season being so underwhelming
I am pressed at this FINALE being so underwhelming
I find it weird when people say that the season went downhill :S I just started watching the series 12th of Aug from the first season and now I just caught up with it 8 hrs ago. Maybe waiting weekly for it makes it boring but when you have it all on ONE GO you get to see that its a solid complete work that was planned from the start. Watching it for 7 years may make you think they missed some points but I did not notice anything and the seasons are CONNECTED plot wise so......
Cannot wait for the series finale!
This. I watched seasons 1-6 in a couple days last summer and I always disagree when people say it got worse as it went on.