Originally posted by Monster Megamind
can someone explain me what is this rolling effect which has effected judas updates on radio today?? please!
Basically, the Airplay chart tracks the week as a whole. I'll take a nice example...
Say a song is released on Monday and has an airplay week like this:
Monday 5M
Tuesday 4M
Wednesday 4M
Thursday 4M
Friday 5M
Saturday 6M
Sunday 5M
It's total AI for the week is 33M
If on the next Monday (the 8th day), it gets 4M AI, the new week looks like this
Tuesday 4M
Wednesday 4M
Thursday 4M
Friday 5M
Saturday 6M
Sunday 5M
Monday 4M
It's new total is 32M which appears as 32M (-1M)
Basically, the song was listened to by 4M people on that Monday, but that was 1M less than the number who listened to it the first Monday, so its overall AI is -1M.
I think Judas opened with around 6.5M AI and has been getting around 4-5M per day.
So yesterday it was listened to 2.4M people less than on its first day, which is great considering the hype around it on its first day...