Originally posted by MP2K
Damn, when will some of you realize that not all black people use the n word or tolerate it being used by anyone in or outside their race. Like, do all you people know of is rap music and people that live in the hood or something? Say the n word around the wrong person and I'm sure you'll get clocked or knocked out, especially from an older/mature black person. You cannot tell one individual black person what they can and cannot be offended by just because another uses the word.
Because that would require common sense and consideration. Attributes held by too few people in our society, unfortunately.
Piggybacking off of this thought...
I'm not a member of the gay community and I often hear/read gay men referring to others by the F word. I wouldn't dream of using it -- it's not my place; I'm not justified in saying it because I know that
some within that community/culture do.
And I don't feel like I'm missing out on something or being treated unfairly because I can't use a word and not be thought of as a bigoted homophobic bitch because I'm not a part of the LGBT community when a gay man can say it without anyone so much as blinking. It's not my word to "reclaim" and I have no right to tell the next person they can't be offended by me using a derogatory word directed at homosexuals because I heard a gay person use the word without anyone getting upset. With someone who is gay saying it, even though you may disagree with the usage of the word, it's clearly not coming from a place of hate/disdain/disgust. It's not so clear coming from someone that isn't and I get that.
It's the very same thing with the N word. And it's ridiculous that is so difficult for some to grasp. Not all Black people use or agree with the usage of the N word. And even though some Black people do, it takes on a completely different tone when a non-Black person uses it because you really don't know the intent; whether or not it's being done to be malicious or mocking.
People that don't ~want to get that will always pretend they don't understand why certain words from certain groups of people will typically garner different types of reactions tho, so whatever.