Originally posted by RedRed
One thing that I dont get is why some Bey haters are saying that Beck deserved it more because he produced his album by himself and he can play a lot of instruments, I mean yeah that's very impressive but last time I heard it's album of the year and not producer of the year. The number of people that helped into bringing BEYONCE(album) into existence is irrelevant because self titled is a more acclaimed and had more impact than Beck's. If grammy's are going by popularity then Bey's shoulda won the award and if they went with acclaim the Bey's still shoulve won that award.
OT: I think that's a Kanye shade more than a Beyonce shade. Kanye dragged Bey's name again, I know he's being defensive for Bey but he shouldve kept his opinion to himself or at least worded his statement a little bit better.
I agree that Beck's and Bey's artistry is irrelevant in this discussion. The only thing that should matter is the final product. Based on this, Beyonce's impact is also irrelevant.
However, Beck's album is more acclaimed.