Originally posted by PorcelainCrack
I've given up too...
Its actually quite shocking that the fans put together that project video for the album release, and tweeted redone a ton about Mama forgive me release... and RedOne just
completely ignored the entire lot. He made his fortune off GaGa and Jlo etc, its clear P just isnt the priority. Redone is ignoring the very people who will pay for Porcelains music, its beyond foolish to treat them like sh!t after years of wait. The result? People. Give. Up. But it really is like he doesn't actually care, and Porcelains anger reflects that. P needs more promo/push than a lot of of his acts (even though so far, her music is more mainstream than i expected) and It sees to me like she gets the least!
My only standing hope is that she got the album reproduced. So its something that IS going to be worth waiting for, rather than waiting years and when it comes out its all lke NN and SMB........