Originally posted by Bangerzzz
There is only two sexes
I mean, then what would you call someone born with a vagina and testes? What about someone born with a penis yet also born with ovaries? What qualifiers are you using to define "sex"?
What makes up sexes? What are the sexes? Male and female? What constitutes female? Having a vagina? Having ovaries? Do you consider women born with a vagina but who may have not been born ovaries (but not born with testes either) to not be women since they don't mean the criteria?
If you're going to use an X & Y sex chromosome system to define sex, then how do you account for the large handful of variations on what one's sex chromosomes can be?
If a person is born with a XXY chromosome combination, a vagina, and testes, what sex are they to you?
Originally posted by AxelFox
There have been male and female since the start of time, hell even dinosaurs had gender. Go move and live on Mars if you don't like it
What the **** are you talking about.
Animals do not have a concept of gender. Sex, yes, but not gender. Are you one of those weird people who get offended if someone calls your pet a girl "even though it's a boy!!!!!'?
The sheer lack education.