Originally posted by Adir
Israel has always recognized the Palestinians and supported the two states solution, however through history the Palestinians never recognzied Israel and even refused to negotiate with us.
The facts are that Israel borders were approved by the U.N in 1947 and we're ain't going nowehere. so if the Palestinians keep ignoring us peace will never come.
Is the tea I'm spilling too hot for ya?
If Israel would stick to the borders approved by the U.N in 1947, we wouldn’t be having this thread.
The PLO recognised Israel multiple times, including in 1988 and again in 1993 when they signed the Oslo accords and accepted UN resolutions 242 and 338.
The Palestinians negotiated many times, but each time they negotiated the only thing that happened was more settlements, more checkpoints and more theft of land.
Settlements on occupied territory are a breach of the Geneva convention and are generally considered a war crime.
Geneva Convention IV
Article 49, sixth paragraph, of the 1949 Geneva Convention IV provides: “The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.”
Benjamin Netanyahu should accept his part of the blame on the US abstaining (instead of vetoing) the resolution. Because when Israel learnt that there was an Egyptian-drafted resolution, they went to Trump instead of Obama.
Trump must have applied pressure on Egypt, so they dropped the resolution, but it was proposed again by Malaysia, New Zealand, Senegal and Venezuela.
Perhaps Obama didn’t like Bibi treating him like he was gone already?
Now the resolution has passed, Netanyahu is threatening sanctions against Senegal and New Zealand and withdrawing ambassadors from those countries. He’s such a coward, because he’d never make threats against the permanent members of the Security Council that voted for the resolution.