Mess at her doing the absolute most to start a confrontation.
Yes I think stuff like this pushes people away from SJWs and activists issues and Trump just gets more supporters who are tired of this so call 'Cultural Appropriation' crap
"Cultural appropriation" is such a stupid thing. Like honestly. Most of the things she owns, clothes she wears, food she eats etc. came from different cultures. Even the language she speaks isn't hers. Cultures interchange all the time. If she takes this so seriously, might as well just get naked and live in the woods.
How is it not her language :/
Anyway she's a mess. Why are Americans so obsessed with cultural appropriation.
This is why I avoid twitter I seen this last night and the amount of people cheering her on and applauding her was a joke .. Makes me miss twitter from 09-14
And once again all I see in certain comments on tumblr and twitter and poor white tears :L Certain people need to understand that you can't fight fire with fire it'll get you nowhere