Originally posted by Roman Holiday
I don't know much about radio, but can a song not re-peak? I think if she and Bey had released it on Vevo and the song had skyrocketed on iTunes, maybe pop radio may have picked it up like they were TB.
Between Tidal, radio, and her own choices (she still made PnP and TNIY singles instead of far better options), the era just ended up wonky.
The video was shot to promote TIDAL. There would not be a video if it weren't for TIDAL. It's an exclusive to promote TIDAL, just like the performance of the song was to promote TIDAL.
A song isn't going to re-peak like that on a radio format, but yes, Pop might've picked it up.
Still, the era was much more solid with singles than RR and had more consistency with success.
But again yes, the era was handled messy, but her life was a mess and I can't blame her for that, lol.
#newbeginnings for 2016.