Originally posted by Remedy
But there's plenty of other albums there, and recent releases...
Same thing for me!
She definitely undershipped ST and Lemonade. If you look at Buzzangle you'll see how Lemonade would always place like 20 spots above in digital album sales than in physical sales. There's no reason for this to happen other than undershipping since she used to sell more physicals than digitalis than the average artist.
Another thing you can look at to confirm this is by looking at kworb.net and observe how well she's doing in so many countries for both Lemonade and ST, meanwhile other albums are selling about the same WW are doing terrible on that chart. I believe that's why she's doing so terrible WW with Lemonade even though she's doing so great on iTunes. (iTunes isn't strong in markets outside of the US) Beyoncé is s lot more global than Lemonade suggests and the FWT proves.
Look at this. Anti is selling the same as Lemonade outside the US, but the difference in WW iTunes positions Is very obvious. Anti is selling way more physicals.
#3 Armenia
#4 Sweden
#4 Trinidad and Tobago
#5 Kenya
#7 Dominica
#7 Norway
#7 The Bahamas
#8 Saint Kitts and Nevis
#9 Bermuda
#9 Cyprus
#10 Lithuania
#12 Nigeria
#13 Swaziland
#15 Bulgaria
#16 Antigua and Barbuda
#16 Ghana
#17 Grenada
#17 Israel
#18 Australia
#20 Barbados
#20 British Virgin Islands
#21 United States
#21 Denmark
#22 Honduras
#23 Estonia
#23 Romania
#25 Dominican Republic
#26 Brazil
#26 Laos
#26 New Zealand
#26 Zimbabwe
#27 Cape Verde
#27 Cayman Islands
#32 Gambia
#33 Canada
#33 Finland
#33 Netherlands
#33 Slovenia
#34 Anguilla
#34 Azerbaijan
#34 Kyrgyzstan
#34 Mongolia
#35 Mozambique
#36 Botswana
#36 Tajikistan
#37 Cambodia
#37 Latvia
#41 Malta
#44 Ireland
#46 Austria
#49 United Kingdom
#49 Slovakia
#50 Namibia
#54 Philippines
#57 Mexico
#59 Poland
#60 Germany
#77 Belgium
#93 Turkey
#96 Singapore
#108 Portugal
#119 South Africa
#126 France
#138 Switzerland
#180 Hong Kong
#183 Taiwan
#193 Thailand
#195 Luxembourg
#2 Barbados
#9 Grenada
#9 Saint Kitts and Nevis
#10 Anguilla
#10 Uganda
#16 Fiji
#17 The Bahamas
#18 Antigua and Barbuda
#26 Belize
#26 Trinidad and Tobago
#27 British Virgin Islands
#29 Swaziland
#30 Nigeria
#31 Namibia
#32 Bermuda
#33 Kenya
#57 Canada
#80 Austria
#101 United States
#140 South Africa
#158 Poland
#159 France