I never understood why people think she lips so much when her mic dies so many times throughout the show and she sometimes stops singing halfway through a line she'd normally sing in full. Everyone lips, some more than others but this "Bey lips 80% of the show" nonsense on here is so comical to me.
Because Bey is out here doing more choreography, and still singing better than their faves
I just ignore them when they start with the lipsync argument because they have no idea what they're talking about most of the time. I saw some one post her Listen performance from Oprah and say it was lipped
I just ignore them when they start with the lipsync argument because they have no idea what they're talking about most of the time. I saw some one post her Listen performance from Oprah and say it was lipped
Like that one Xtina stan who insisted that her acapella national anthem performance at the Superbowl press conference was lipped
The image of a woman trapped in a house that represents a failing marriage during 6 Inch is so powerful.
When she's just standing in that glass case and then starts dancing while the lyrics are about grinding and working your ass off. She walks out in a white dress (reborn). And then at the end at the house burns down and all the women are standing outside it free and she's in a pantsuit