Originally posted by Sunderland 4ever
I'm glad the games section is increasing little by little its popularity on the ATRL back again. There have been a lot of new survivors this month. I hope this trends continues
I think that is mainly do to summer starting for lots of posters. Summer brings a time where several members have lots of time on their hands, so activity typically increases on websites and other activities.
Originally posted by Bibliotheque
Not sture what was wrong with the thread and why it was closed, try asking Ace about it.
Originally posted by Peep
Why can't we report posts of closed topics? Sometimes when I see lots of flamebait and the topic gets closed, it feels like all those flamebaits (a 3rd party) gets away with it completely, while in my opinion they should be dealt with too, and not just the topic starter.
I wasn't aware such a feature existed. I know one can't report a member's post if they are banned, I didn't know you couldn't when the thread is closed.
Originally posted by georges_2251
Hello, Can you make some "stanbase" feature (make it only for BIG artists), in the stats of the person who commented, the stanbase will appear, if it haven't chosen one, it won't appear.
And put threads for the stanbases as "Gaga Stanbase"
I'm not sure if I quite understand what you are asking.