33. Green Light - Beyoncé
Album: B'Day
Billboard Hot 100 Peak: Uncharted
Average: 6.7149
Highest: 10 (McBeth, Toysoldier99, Kool_Aid_King, MP2K, WeFoundWill, Georges, Mikal, sh0ckw4ves)
Lowest: 0 (caleb., DreamOn, superben)
Why it flopped: The traffic industry is not very relevant.
32. Outrageous - Britney Spears
Album: In the Zone
Billboard Hot 100 Peak: 79
Average: 6.7154
Highest: 10 (HausOfCarlos, McBeth, PeopleLikeUs, WeFoundWill, RADAR, EmRiNavy, downbywednesday)
Lowest: 0 (Konichiwa, DreamOn)
Why it flopped: Ha knee