I think that we're forgetting that, while Western Europe is at risk of receiving a lot of closed-minded religious fanatics, there are also a lot of closeted sistrens in this fresh shipment. Gays and trans* people are stoned, decapitated and tortured in the Arab world. They only seek the freedom to live and be their true selves.
It's too easy to clump these hoards of people into one simplified generalisation that agrees with our prejudicial mindsets. These refugees have been betrayed and deceived by their own neighbours. They want a comfortable house, a prosperous job and a sustainable future. Right now, Western Europe is their best bet. We need to get over our self-serving white European privilege and reach out to the less fortunate, pronto.
Therefore, in light of recent events, I move to propose leaving the straights at the border, and putting the hunties on extended benefits and welfare.