Originally posted by Bey Admired
Adele showed that sales are still very much alive with Hello breaking the one week digital sales record. It's the artists that people have a problem with. The idea that sales are dying was made laughable when Hello destroyed the one week sales barrier, nearly doubling it.
Pure Sales will never be irrelevant. Digital had its run and people thought it was the future and then streaming came out...in 5-7 years another form will come and pure sales will always maintain the foundation of popularity.
You are so right. I said this a few times but at one time gimmicks were seen as something "untalented" people used to be successful. With the oversaturation of stunts and gimmicks masking raw artistry, there's a great marketing technique to make more money and gain popularity but cheapens a brand when it's pushed and forced and oversold.
the GP want to support Adele because she doesn't use those methods.
Artistry, talented and a persona that authentically feels down to earth and real.
They will pay the $15.
There just needs to be more artist like that and it can make a noticeable difference.
that said, duh my avi, I know but there needs to be a balance. You can't just eat ice cream every day. You need your grains, dairy and fruits as well.