I want Never Ending as the last single from this era, with a cute personal video just for her fans. Doubt it will be a hit, but the video would be cute, she in her big ass home looking back at her career. "ghost in the mirror"
One of her background singers has arrived in London. Now I'm wondering what she's performing... I always assumed we were getting a Work performance (it's still possible) now I'm wondering if we're getting a medley, KIB, or even LOTB
I don't know what I want her to perform at Brits . Work could help the song to rise a lot but on the other hand I would love a LOTB slayage it could go no1 and hold work to top5 !
I expected Goodnight Gotham to have a screaming chorus a la WHYB and "Only if for a NIIIIIIGHT" note at the end like the ending one in WFL's X Factor and VMA performance.
Still can't get over the fact there are absolutely no vocals by Rih in it... I mean wtf??