Originally posted by highwayuni
So what would you guys rate the ceremony overall?
I'd give it a 6.5/10. It was pretty enough but it didn't really grasp the "British" feel.
To be honest I really enjoyed it... It was definitely it's own unique and creative take on the ceremony. With emphasis on the sustainable, modern version of the Olympics.
Like it was good to see a huge Western city tackle the whole thing correctly, with no ridiculous or unjust roles played. For example it was a nice touch to invite the construction workers, and to share the Olympic torches between a new wave of young athletes etc. In that regard I thought it was better than Beijing - more community and less showing off.
I know what you mean though, I did feel the actual opening scenes could've been a lot better if they didn't drag so much. Like with the UK there was SO much culture to include, they could have done so much more. The extended countryside and NHS scenes were a bit much, I mean