Originally posted by King Maxx
I don't think so. Timing doesn't really add up either.
The episode where he was in her place was "2 weeks earlier". The episode where her and Wes ****ed was "3 weeks earlier". You can tell early if they did a test on her hormones and blood. It wasn't some store bought test, it was done in the hospital. Here's some info I got...
Doctors often order these tests to confirm pregnancy as early as 10 days after a missed period. Some tests can detect hCG much earlier. A qualitative blood test is seldom used to quickly confirm pregnancy since it takes a few days longer.
However, a lot of women get pregnant and miscarry within the first few weeks and never even know they were pregnant. So there's a good chance it wouldn't even take and she wouldn't have ever known. But I guess we will see.