Originally posted by KylieistBoi
I hated Wes but killing him at this point was a wrong decision. He was like the only thing that connected all of them and now Vee and Laurel will be devastated, not to mention the baby Waaay too dramatic and it feels like a rush decision.
Still I am glad it was not the irrelevant student from the class.
Im probably in the minority of those that never bashed the character Wes or the actor playing him but cmon to say it was a rushed decision when there's been a 9-episode buildup is just wrong.
I had feeling ppl jumped on his hate bandwagon and the post after last Thursday proved me right. Yall got what u wanted but there's hardly any celebration in this thread
I hope the writers can find a way to extend the lifespan of the show w/o any more murders of anyone directly connected to Annalise. There's only so long one can suspend disbelief.