The lifelong DigiDestined at Crunchyroll are proud to announce the acquisition of one of the most exciting anime of 2015, Digimon Adventure Tri, the story of the Taichi, Agumon, and all of their friends six years after the events of Digimon Adventure .
With the sound of that nostalgic voice, the story once again begins to move in a big way.
Once again,
the adventure evolves
The first four episodes of Digimon Adventure Tri will be available starting 7:00am PST on Friday, November 20th in the following regions: United States, Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and Latin America.
The next chapter of Digimon Adventure Tri will be available during the Winter season of 2016, with more information to come ~
Digimon means SO MUCH to us and we’re thrilled that we’re able to share it with all of you. Please enjoy ~ !!!
I have no idea what they mean by 'the first four episodes' when Tri is a 6-part film series but OMG.
The first four episodes of Digimon Adventure Tri will be available starting 7:00am PST on Friday, November 20th in the following regions: United States, Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and Latin America.