i think POM will fall out of the top 10 on the HOT 100 this week (placing at 11), but with the AI performance it could go top 10 about, knocking out stronger
I just want it to have 10 weeks in the top 10 so bad!!!
I would love her to make a Wide Awake/Dressin' Up smash on AI, like first she starts with her guitar, singing and when the chorus is ending all the music stops and she's like..."You know what?...**** this ****" and starts to undress () in the middle of the stage, then she starts singing "saucer of milk, table for two..."
Can you imagine the meltdowns? the controversy? The songs will skyrocket to #1 and #2 respectively.
I would love her to make a Wide Awake/Dressin' Up smash on AI, like first she starts with her guitar, singing and when the chorus is ending all the music stops and she's like..."You know what?...**** this ****" and starts to undress () in the middle of the stage, then she starts singing "saucer of milk, table for two..."
Can you imagine the meltdowns? the controversy? The songs will skyrocket to #1 and #2 respectively.
I would love her to make a Wide Awake/Dressin' Up, like first she starts with her guitar, singing and when the chorus is ending all the music stops and she's like..."You know what?...**** this ****" and starts to undress () in the middle of the stage, then she starts singing "saucer of milk, table for two..."
Can you imagine the meltdowns? the controversy? The songs will skyrocket to #1 and #2 respectively.
I would love her to make a Wide Awake/Dressin' Up smash on AI, like first she starts with her guitar, singing and when the chorus is ending all the music stops and she's like..."You know what?...**** this ****" and starts to undress () in the middle of the stage, then she starts singing "saucer of milk, table for two..."
Can you imagine the meltdowns? the controversy? The songs will skyrocket to #1 and #2 respectively.
You know what? I'm here for this. Anything is better than her performing Part Of Me